The UnCommon Good with Bo Bonner and Dr. Bud Marr

Best of Season #1: Economic Solidarity: Allowing the Church to Mold Our Economic Vision, With Gabriel Sanchez

Episode Summary

Economic Solidarity: Allowing the Church to Mold Our Economic Vision, With Gabriel Sanchez, Attorney with expertise in Aviation and Commerce Law, Editor at Angelus Press, and Author of the blog A conversation with Gabriel about how events in his life opened him to the teachings of the Church in economic matters, and how our understanding of economics must be a witness to both "liberals" and "conservatives" in the culture.

Episode Notes

Economic Solidarity: Allowing the Church to Mold Our Economic Vision, With Gabriel Sanchez, Attorney with expertise in Aviation and Commerce Law, Editor at Angelus Press, and Author of the blog A conversation with Gabriel about how events in his life opened him to the teachings of the Church in economic matters, and how our understanding of economics must be a witness to both "liberals" and "conservatives" in the culture. Additionally, a few words regarding the tragedy that has befallen the Des Moines Metro Community regarding the ambush of two Metro Police Officers, and a Monastic prayer for the dead on All Souls day.